The first data analysis technique I have ever learned is Cohort analysis. So what is it and what is it used for?
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K Means Cluster And Marketing Segmentation
Implement K-means clustering to segment your customers
Well, we learn a lot about SQL, statistic, and some algorithms like K-means clustering, but how we can implement those thins into real life, especially marketing. In this post, I would like to show you my understand of applying K-means to segment customers in marketing.
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Index And Query
Index makes query fast - a simple explaination
Well, most of developers or people who work with data know this “Index makes query fast” and they also understand why. But for people who don’t really know about indexing, I would like to write this post to introduce to them about it. Furthermore, I also give some notes from...
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Sql And Relational Algebra
SQL is based on relational algebra
When study about SQL, a lot of us start with some statement like Select, FROM, WHERE, but turns out SQL is more than just that. I mean the principle of the query language is based on relational algebra and when I learn about it, I find it way more interesting...
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